Sunday, October 21, 2012

Patton Slang

This is a post about some of the different things people where I'm from say.  Patton is in Western PA and people tend to say some weird/funny things so here is a few:

Crick- A Creek or Stream

Gum-bands- Rubber bands

Sammich- Sandwich

Stillers- Steelers

Tomata- Tomato

Wound up- End up

I have personally witnessed people saying these ones before.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week 14 Freestyle: Where I Grew Up

This is my house, where I grew up and I became me.  This particular photo was taken during the summer on August 18th, 2012.  This summer at my house was really cool, I hosted fires, sleepovers, parties, and just had friends over a lot whenever I wasn't working or busy.  I have a trampoline in my yard, chickens which is kind of random, and even a zip line and tree house!  Even though I kind of outgrew those, they are still really cool to have.  I miss my family and my house sometimes, but for the most part I like college because I know even though it is rough,it's going to get me where I want to go.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Fond Memory of Mine

Just posted my Memoir I wrote in English class, it's just a little about my high schools football program.  It talks about the hardships they faced and what it was like being right there to experience them.  Just click the memoir tab right above.