Monday, December 10, 2012

Post: Farewell

With the end of my English class comes the end of my blog.  It has been rather enjoyable to post on here as I have never had a blog previously.  I might make a random post from time to time if I get around to it.  In any case, I bid you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, have an enjoyable holiday.


Week 15 Freestyle: Christmas is Coming

With my favorite holiday of the year on the way, I can't help but notice things don't look like Christmas.

Week 13 Freestyle: JIMMY!

In this post I want to talk about my dog Jimmy.  In my opinion, he is the best dog in the entire world.

Week 12 Freestyle: 2012 Cambria Heights Football

For this post, I just wanted to report how the Highlanders did this year.

Historical Marker

In my English class, we made a historical marker by taking a previous marker and putting our own words over top of it.  It wouldn't let me post the graphic for some reason, but here is the text:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week 11 Freestyle: Coming Back to Patton When I'm 90

I think my town would look the same in the sense that some of the old landmarks like stores, parks, firehall, etc, would still be there.  However, the houses and places will have been rebuilt or modernized to the point where I don't recognize it.  I also wouldn't know anyone, and I would be lonely.  I would just look at futuristic buildings and the potentially changed landscapes and picture what I used to remember them as.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Patton Slang

This is a post about some of the different things people where I'm from say.  Patton is in Western PA and people tend to say some weird/funny things so here is a few:

Crick- A Creek or Stream

Gum-bands- Rubber bands

Sammich- Sandwich

Stillers- Steelers

Tomata- Tomato

Wound up- End up

I have personally witnessed people saying these ones before.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week 14 Freestyle: Where I Grew Up

This is my house, where I grew up and I became me.  This particular photo was taken during the summer on August 18th, 2012.  This summer at my house was really cool, I hosted fires, sleepovers, parties, and just had friends over a lot whenever I wasn't working or busy.  I have a trampoline in my yard, chickens which is kind of random, and even a zip line and tree house!  Even though I kind of outgrew those, they are still really cool to have.  I miss my family and my house sometimes, but for the most part I like college because I know even though it is rough,it's going to get me where I want to go.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Fond Memory of Mine

Just posted my Memoir I wrote in English class, it's just a little about my high schools football program.  It talks about the hardships they faced and what it was like being right there to experience them.  Just click the memoir tab right above.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Waiting for Toast

This blog entry was assigned by Herb (My English Professor) as a kind of fun little assignment.  In class, we were having a discussion about how long one might wait for toast to pop out of the toaster in their lifetime.

Race Portrait

In this post I will be describing how minorities are perceived in Patton as part of a post for my English class.

My Town: Background

Patton: My Kind of Town
            I grew up in a very small town known as Patton, Pennsylvania.  I guarantee no one has ever heard of it, but it is 30 minutes north on Altoona Route 36.  Nowadays, it’s not nearly the size it used to be.   Only a little over 2,000 people live in Patton, but frankly I don’t even think it is that many.  Patton has a pharmacy, three grocery stores, some bars and restaurants, a Dollar General, three service stations, three gas stations, and two banks.  An ATV park called Rock Run is just outside of town as well. 


I had to make a proverb for English Class and this is what I came up with:

"It is better to think first rather than speak out of ones behind."

Kind of cheesy and comical I know, but the best I can come up with.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Town

I am from a small town by the name of Patton, PA  It was settled in 1844  and is best known for the Patton Clayworks that reached prominency beginning in the 1900's.  The picture to the left is a very early picture from 1909.  The Terra Cotta products they made were used all over the world. To this day there are "Patton Pavers" as the bricks are known at the base of the Eiffel Tower and in the Panama canal.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome to My Blog Everybody

Hello, my name is Francis, better know to my friends as Frank.  I am your typical human being, I am very average just like you.  I recently went to Clarion University of Pennsylvania  to achieve my goal of a higher education, or did I just decide to become poor?  Not really quite sure about that one yet, but I know one thing is that I'm definitely having a blast so far.  I have some very cool Professors, in particular Dr. Herb Luthin, my College Writing professor.  He is the reason I have created this blog today, not only because I have to for class but I also think it will be fun as well.   I will be posting on here some of my personal experiences, past and present, that have affected my life the most.  That's all for now everyone.